Palembang, The Indonesia Post – Acting Governor of South Sumatra Province (Sumsel) Elen Setiadi, S.H, M.S.E, accompanied by Acting Regent of Muara Enim, H. Henky Putrawan, S.Pt., M.Si., M.M inaugurated the Air Lematang steel frame bridge in Ujan Mas Lama Village, Muara Enim Regency, Wednesday (4/9/2024) morning.
The inauguration of the 140-meter bridge was marked by the breaking of a jug and the signing of an inscription by Acting Governor of South Sumatra Elen Setiadi.
In his remarks, Acting Governor Elen Setiadi said that the construction of this bridge has been long awaited because it will be the main link as well as an alternative traffic route for residents living in Ujan Mas District, especially for economic activities or transporting residents’ agricultural products. (ojn/ril)