Palembang, The Indonesia Post – In a series of his working visit (Kunker) agenda in Muara Enim Regency, Wednesday (4/9/2024). Acting (Pj) Governor of South Sumatra (Sumsel) Elen Setiadi, S.H, M.S.E took the time to visit SMA N 1 Ujan Mas to provide socialization of the dangers of online gambling for students as well as absorb the aspirations of the teachers on duty at the school.
In his direction, Acting Governor Elen Setiadi emphasized that the government is committed to producing a quality young generation to welcome the golden generation of 2045. One of them is preventing students and the young generation of South Sumatra from being free from online gambling practices (judol).
He even hopes for cooperation between teachers and parents of students to jointly supervise their children so that they do not make mistakes in socializing and other negative behaviors triggered by online gambling addiction. (ojn/ril)