
Acting Governor Fatoni Appoints Acting Mayor of Palembang

Palembang, The Indonesia Post – Acting (Pj) Governor of South Sumatra, Agus Fatoni took the Oath of Office and Inaugurated the new Acting Mayor of Palembang, Dr. Ucok Abdulrauf Damenta, S.Sos,. Magister Rerum Publicarum which was held at Griya Agung.

Based on the Decree of the Minister of Home Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia Number – 1300 of 2024 dated June 12 2024. Dr. Ucok Abdulrauf Damenta, who previously served as Inspector II of the Inspectorate General of the Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri) of the Republic of Indonesia (RI), today (Wednesday, 19/6/2025) officially serves as Acting. Mayor of Palembang replaces Drs. H. Ratu Dewa as Acting. Mayor of Palembang for the period 2023 – 2024.

In his speech, A. Fatoni said that with the presence of Dr. Ucok Abdulrauf Damenta in Palembang City and accompanied by Drs. H. Ratu Dewa who returns to his definitive position as Regional Secretary, of course this will be an excellent deadly duet in developing the City of Palembang.

“We have just witnessed the Inauguration of Acting. Mayor of Palembang. Where Pak Ucok will be accompanied by Queen Dewa in carrying out his duties. Because Ratu Dewa returned to her definitive position as Regional Secretary of Palembang City. “This could be a very good deadly duet in advancing the city of Palembang,” he said.

A. Fatoni also emphasized that Acting. Regional heads are given the task of continuing the duties of the previous regional head, and ensuring that the regional elections run smoothly as they should until a new regional head is elected.

Not to forget, A. Fatoni also expressed his thanks to Drs. H. Ratu Dewa and her mother who have dedicated themselves to leading and advancing the city of Palembang.

“I also thank Mr. Ratu Dewa and Mrs., who have made many breakthroughs and innovations. “And the synergy carried out so far with the Provincial Government has had a big impact on the progress of Palembang City,” he said.

Concluding his speech, A. Fatoni invited all Regional Heads, both those who had just been appointed and those who attended the activity. To be able to maintain the conducive climate that exists in South Sumatra. Because according to him, a conducive area is the government’s initial capital in carrying out regional development.

The activities then continued with the Inauguration of the new Acting Chair of the Palembang City PKK Mobilization Team, Irmawati Habi Damenta, SH replacing Acting. Chairman of the TP PKK Palembang City for the 2023 – 2024 period, Hj. Dewi Sastrani Ratu Dewa, SAG by Acting. Chairman of the Provincial TP PKK. South Sumatra, Tyas Fatoni.

On that occasion, A. Fatoni handed over the Extension Decree to Acting. OKU Regent, Teddy Meilwansyah to continue his duties as Regional Head in Ogan Komering Ulu (OKU) Regency.

Also present was the Chairman of the Provincial DPRD. South Sumatra, RA. Anita Noeringhati, Regents/Mayors, Provincial Secretary. South Sumatra, Ir. SA Supriono, and Heads of Provincial OPD. South Sumatra. (mhn/ril)


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