Palembang, The Indonesia Post – Acting The Governor of South Sumatra, Agus Fatoni received the presence of the House of Representatives (DPR RI) Commission II Special Working Visit Team in Palembang using the Garuda Indonesia GA 102 aircraft in the VIP Room at SMB II Palembang Airport, Wednesday (20/03/2024).
the presence of the DPR RI Commission II Specific Working Visit Team chaired by the Deputy Chair of Commission II DPR RI, Dr. H. Syamsurizal, S.E., M.M, and accompanied by several Team Members, including Dr. Ujang Iskandar, ST., M.Si, H. Handayani, SKM., MPH, Dr. H. Mardani Ali Sera, M.Eng, Drs. H. Guspardi Gaus, M.Sc
The purpose of the Working Visit was to evaluate the implementation of Agrarian Reform at the BPN Regional Office for South Sumatra Province.
Also present were the Heads of the Provincial OPD. South Sumatra. (ojn/ril)