Palembang, The Indonesia Post – Chairman of the South Sumatra Provincial Legislative Council (DPRD) Dr Hj RA Anita Noeringhati SH MH together with Acting (Pj) Governor of South Sumatra (Sumsel) Elen Setiadi, S.H, M. S.E, were present directly at the Submission of Audit Results Report on the Central Government Financial Report (LHP LKPP) for Fiscal Year 2023 and Summary of Semester Examination Results (IHPS) II 2023 opened by the President of the Republic of Indonesia (RI) Joko Widodo, at the Cendrawasih Room Jakarta Convention Center Jl. Gatot Subroto No. 1, Central Jakarta, Monday (8/7/2024).
In his remarks, President Jokowi expressed his appreciation and gratitude to the Indonesian Financial Audit Agency (BPK) which has carried out the task of auditing state finances and continues to improve its professionalism in the audit function.
“Also, I would like to congratulate all levels of central and regional government on the WTP title in this year’s government financial report. I have often said that WTP is not an achievement but WTP is an obligation for all of us, an obligation to use the APBN well. This is people’s money, this is state money, we must feel that every year this must be audited, must be checked. So, once again the obligation is to use the APBN and APBD properly. “And, there is also the obligation to carry out the APBN and APBD properly and the obligation to be accountable for them as well,” he said.
Jokowi further added that in recent years the world has been full of turmoil, geopolitics, increasingly heated trade wars and increasingly obvious climate change. Global economic growth is also slow, this year it is estimated at only 3.2 percent and the economic crisis has even hit several regions.
“Alhamdulillah, we should be grateful for this, Indonesia’s economy and politics are very stable. The economy continues to grow above 5 percent, we know that in the first quarter of this year it grew 5.11 percent. Inflation remains maintained. This is because BI and the Ministry of Home Affairs always meet with regional heads every Monday to maintain inflation in each region. “And also the implementation of the elections which also went well, these are all our basic capital in developing this country,” he added.
Jokowi hopes that regional governments must be able to take advantage of even the smallest opportunities, be able to take advantage of opportunities that are currently very limited, therefore, accountability and flexibility must be carried out in a balanced manner.
“Even though we know that deregulation has been carried out a lot, even though debureaucratization has also been carried out a lot, we still find unsynchronized regulations, and there are still many complicated bureaucratic procedures in practice in the field,” he added.
He also hopes that the important structural reforms that have been underway will continue.
“Continue synchronizing regulations, continue simplifying procedures so that the government runs more effectively, so that the government runs more efficiently and is oriented towards results, not procedures,” he said.
Meanwhile, the Head of BPK RI, Isma Yatun, said that accountability for the 2023 APBN was recorded as obtaining a WTP opinion, which was the result of synergy between stakeholders which had brought Indonesia’s economic conditions to a better level compared to other countries.
“We would like to express our gratitude to the President and the ranks of government who have committed and worked hard to strengthen the foundation of accountability in managing state financial governance over the last 10 years,” he said.
Meanwhile, Acting Governor Elen Setiadi, after attending the event, stated that the South Sumatra Provincial Government is determined to continue to improve public services to the community.
“The important point is that services with the bureaucracy must no longer be hampered, because this is also related to what is being done with reform of the bureaucracy. “So don’t replace services with something that hinders you any more,” said Elen briefly. (ojn/ril)