
Commemorating the 78th Republic of Indonesia, This is the Hope of the South Sumatra Legislative Council Chairperson

Palembang, The Indonesia Post – The Legislative Council (DPRD) of South Sumatra Province (Sumsel) held a special plenary meeting with an agenda to listen to the speech of the President of the Republic of Indonesia in commemoration of the 78th Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia in the plenary meeting room of the DPRD of South Sumatra, Wednesday (16/8).

According to the Chairperson of the South Sumatra DPRD Hj RA Anita Noeringhati, RI’s 78th birthday is a complete independence anniversary because Indonesia is now pandemic free and everyone can celebrate from small children to adults to parents who have their own activities.

“And today we see the good excitement of the President’s state address, that we must always strengthen it because this political year is a political year that is somewhat different from previous years,” she said.

Certainly , in the message of the President ‘s speech , according to Anita , the point is to maximize downstream not only the material but also the non – material .

“We are also grateful that we have a lot of natural resources and all of them are for the welfare of society,” she said.

For South Sumatra, this Golkar Party politician hopes that what has been done will progress further in the future.

“That what we have fought for, we fought for that South Sumatra is a province that is very comfortable where we can sit together with all ethnicities, not distinguishing ethnicity and ethnicity, religion and race but we can sit together and we have proven “That there is zero conflict, meaning that we have experienced independence in South Sumatra,” she said. (ojn/ril)


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