Palembang, The Indonesia Post – South Sumatra Province achieved an Unqualified Opinion (WTP) for the tenth time in a row from 2014 until recently achieved in 2023. This WTP Opinion was conveyed by member V as head of state V’s financial audit; Dr. Ir. H. Ahmadi Noor Supit, M.M., CSFA, CGRE, CertDA, CFrA in his speech at the Special Plenary Meeting of the Provincial DPRD. South Sumatra with the Agenda for Submitting the Audit Result Report (LHP) of the South Sumatra Province BPK Representative on the Financial Report of the Sumatra Provincial Government for the 2023 Fiscal Year to the DPRD and the Governor of South Sumatra today (13/5).
The Special Plenary Meeting was chaired by the Chair of the Provincial Legislative Council (DPRD) South Sumatra; Hj. R.A. Anita Noeringhati, SH, MH accompanied by the Deputy Chair of the Provincial DPRD. South Sumatra; H.M. Giri Ramanda N Kiemas, SE, MM and H. Muchendi Mahzareki, SE, M.Si, attended by Acting. Governor of South Sumatra; Dr. Drs. A. Fatoni, M.Si, Member V as head of state financial audit V; Dr. Ir. H. Ahmadi Noor Supit, M.M., CSFA, CGRE, CertDA, CFrA, Regional Secretary; Ir. S.A. Supriono, OPD Representatives and other invited guests.
Before the process of signing the minutes and submitting the BPK RI Audit Results Report by the BPK RI to the Chair of the DPRD and the Governor of South Sumatra, the Chair of the Provincial DPRD. South Sumatra said that so far the government’s performance has been quite satisfactory;
_”The DPRD of South Sumatra Province itself sees that the performance of the regional government so far has been quite satisfactory. Whatever opinion the BPK gives to the Provincial Government, of course it aims to improve the quality of performance so that it is more effective and efficient in accordance with the vision and mission of the regional government, which in turn is able to improve quality in all fields to be better”_ explained the Chairman of the Provincial DPRD. South Sumatra.
Next, it closed with a thank you to the parties concerned;
_”Finally, allow me on behalf of the Leadership of the DPRD of South Sumatra Province to express my thanks to Member V as Chair of State Financial Audit can improve the quality of government budget management in the future. “May Allah SWT, the Most Merciful God, always protect and bless us all in carrying out our respective duties,” said the Chairman of the Provincial DPRD. South Sumatra.
After the procession of signing the minutes of handover of the BPK RI Audit Results Report, Member V as the head of state V’s financial audit; Dr. Ir. H. Ahmadi Noor Supit, M.M., CSFA, CGRE, CertDA, CFrA gave a speech and conveyed that in essence the BPK provided a WTP (Reasonable Without Exception) Opinion as well as appreciation and several significant problem points that must be followed up by the Regional Government, the Plenary agenda ended with a Speech Acting The Governor of South Sumatra, who generally expressed his thanks and appreciation, the plenary session closed with a joint prayer, also present was the Main Auditor of State Finance V BPK RI, Dr. Slamet Kurniawan, MSc., Ak., CSFA, CPA, CFrA, ERMCP, Head of BPK Representative of South Sumatra Province; Andri Yogama, S.E., M.M., Ak., CSFA. (ojn/ril)