Palembang, The Indonesia Post – The difference between the vote count results recorded in the Plano Result C1 Form and those recorded in the Recapitulation Information System (Sirekap) suddenly became a topic of discussion among the public and Legislative Candidates (Caleg).
Moreover, from the updated vote count results on the website which can be accessed by all voters, there are many oddities in the form of a significant increase in votes for a handful of legislative candidates.
“I hope that this sirekap will not be used to shape public opinion to win one of the presidential candidates and also make a significant increase in the number of votes for both one party and another party,” said one of the DPR RI candidates for the South Sumatra II electoral district, H. Eddy Rianto.
Eddy reiterated that his party could prove that the sirekap application was incorrect. “We can prove this is not true because a friend in one party himself actually questioned whether his vote had increased significantly and he himself suggested challenging the sirekap application formed by the KPU,” he concluded.
And, this does not rule out the possibility of this also happening in the Presidential Election (Pilpres).
Like the results of DPR RI legislative candidates for the South Sumatra 2 electoral district, on February 15 2024 at 08:00:26 the progress was 203 out of 14,205 tps (1.43%), the number of votes for DPR RI candidates from the Nasdem party number 2, number 3, number 4, and serial number 7 respectively only amounted to 63, 26, 64 and 121 votes.
Meanwhile, on the same date at 16:31:00 progress was 387 out of 14,205 tps (2.72%) the number of votes for the legislative candidates mentioned above increased insignificantly with sequential numbers of 1,882, 1,753, 1,886 and 1090 votes.
Republic of Indonesia General Election Supervisory Agency (RI Bawaslu) member, Lolly Suhenty, said that the finding of a difference in votes on Form C1 and Sirekap could not be concluded as an allegation of fraud.
Because, he said, the manual vote counting process carried out by the Voting Organizing Group (KPPS) at the Polling Place (TPS) was still ongoing, including uploading the counting results to Sirekap.
“The differences between manual and Sirekap have been conveyed. In this context, Bawaslu continues to monitor the various processes carried out,” said Bawaslu Chairman, Rahmat Bagja, in a press conference at the RI Bawaslu Office, Jalan MH Thamrin, Gondangdia, Menteng, Central Jakarta, Thursday (15/ 2).
He asked the public to properly understand the information circulating on social media (Medsos), which stated that the vote acquisition of the Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka pair was recorded as higher than what was written in Form C1.
“The public must understand, the public must know that the recap results are only a tool. “What is authentic is when the manual recapitulation process is in stages,” added Lolly.
The Coordinator of the Prevention, Community Participation and Public Relations Division of Bawaslu RI hopes that the public will not spread incomplete information, especially regarding the vote counting results for the 2024 Simultaneous Election.
“We will go through that process (vote counting) from today, February 15 to March 20, in stages, until it is finished. “So let’s wait together,” said Lolly.
Meanwhile, the Chair of the South Sumatra Bawaslu, Kurniawan, said that the data uploaded by Sirekap and C1 were the same. Kurniawan denied that SIrekap benefits a number of legislative candidates.
“Whatever is recorded on the plano, that is what goes into Sirekap,” he said.
According to Kurniawan, those who can upload Sirekap are KPU operators so legislative candidates cannot access it.
Meanwhile, on the same date at 16:31:00 progress was 387 out of 14,205 tps (2.72%) the number of votes for the legislative candidates mentioned above increased insignificantly with sequential numbers of 1,882, 1,753, 1,886 and 1090 votes.
It is currently suspected that fraud occurred in the form of fattening the votes for legislative candidates number 2, 3, 4 and 7, which in just a few hours increased illogically. (ojn/bbs)