Palembang, The Indonesia Post – The Regional People’s Representative Council (DPRD) of South Sumatra Province held its 90th Plenary Meeting with the agenda of listening to the Governor’s responses or answers to the general views of the South Sumatra DPRD Factions regarding the Draft Regional Regulation (Raperda) on the Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBD) of South Sumatra Province for the 2025 Fiscal Year (TA). This meeting was led by the Deputy Chairperson of the South Sumatra DPRD, H. Muchendi Mahzareki, SE, M.Si, and attended by the Acting Governor of South Sumatra represented by the Regional Secretary of South Sumatra Province, Drs. H. Edward Chandra, MH. The meeting which took place in the Plenary Meeting Room of the South Sumatra DPRD was also attended by representatives of Regional Apparatus Organizations (OPD) and other invited guests. In the meeting, the Regional Secretary of South Sumatra Province delivered a response to the general views that had been conveyed by the Factions in the South Sumatra DPRD, which included the Golkar Party Faction, the PDI Perjuangan Faction, the Gerindra Party Faction, the Demokrat Party Faction, the National Awakening Party Faction, the Prosperous Justice Party Faction, the National Mandate Party Faction, and the NasDem Party Faction.
Regarding regional income, the South Sumatra Provincial Government expressed its appreciation for the various suggestions and input from the Factions regarding efforts to increase Regional Original Income (PAD). One of the main highlights is the optimization of tax revenues, especially Motor Vehicle Tax (PKB) and Motor Vehicle Transfer Fee (BBN-KB). The South Sumatra Provincial Government through the Regional Revenue Agency is committed to continuing to increase and optimize the potential for revenue from the regional tax and retribution sector. Innovations have been made, including the implementation of an electronic payment system through platforms such as E-Dempo, E-Signal, Modern Channel, EDC, and QRIS, which are expected to make it easier for taxpayers to make payments.
The PDI Perjuangan Faction and the National Awakening Party Faction also highlighted the decline in PAD that occurred, which was caused by several factors, including inflation and a decrease in PKB and BBN-KB rates due to the enactment of Law Number 1 of 2022 concerning Financial Relations Between the Central and Regional Governments. In addition, the implementation of the PKB Opsen and BBN-KB Opsen in 2025 also affected regional revenues. The decline in revenue from the retribution sector also occurred because several OPDs that previously collected levies had experienced a change in function with the enactment of the Law.
Regarding regional spending, the South Sumatra Provincial Government emphasized its commitment to implementing programs and activities that benefit the community by prioritizing infrastructure development. In this case, in 2025, the capital expenditure budget for the construction of road infrastructure connecting regencies/cities in South Sumatra is planned at IDR 411,872,888,822. This budget is expected to support connectivity between regions in South Sumatra to the maximum.
The PDI Perjuangan Faction and the Gerindra Party Faction also provided suggestions that the budget allocation be prepared by considering efficiency, effectiveness, justice, accountability, and responsibility. In addition, the PDI Perjuangan Faction also hopes that the APBD can play a role in addressing strategic issues such as poverty and inequality between regions.
Regarding the disaster mitigation program, the South Sumatra Provincial Government has prepared a Disaster Risk Assessment (KRB) which provides information regarding the risk of disasters in South Sumatra. This document is the basis for preparing the Disaster Management Plan (RPB) and other contingency documents, as well as in disaster prevention and mitigation efforts. In preparing the unexpected spending budget, the South Sumatra Provincial Government also took into account an 18 percent increase in the budget in anticipation of emergency conditions, such as the impact of climate change which continues to affect social and economic life in the region.
In the health sector, the South Sumatra Provincial Government has taken preventive measures to deal with the potential spread of monkeypox in its region. Following up on the Circular of the Ministry of Health, the South Sumatra Provincial Health Office has issued a Circular on August 28, 2024 to increase awareness of Mpox at entry points, ports, and airports. The Health Office has also coordinated with the District/City Health Offices and health facilities to monitor and control potential cases that arise. Although there was a report of a suspect case in Palembang in early September 2024, laboratory test results showed that the patient was negative for Mpox.
Regarding the budget allocation in the education sector, the South Sumatra Provincial Government ensures that the budget allocation will meet the mandatory spending provisions of at least 20 percent. The budget will be used to develop educational infrastructure and improve the quality of Human Resources (HR) in South Sumatra. DPRD factions also provided input regarding inclusive education, where schools are expected to accept children with special needs, as well as the development of a curriculum that is relevant to industry and the world of work for Vocational High School (SMK) students.
The South Sumatra Provincial Government is also planning to add and rehabilitate new classrooms to accommodate the surge in the number of students, considering that Indonesia will enter a demographic bonus period.
After listening to the Governor’s response and answer to the general views of the Factions, all members of the South Sumatra Provincial DPRD stated that they could accept the answer. The 90th Plenary Meeting was agreed to be suspended, and further discussions will be continued through commission meetings with OPDs or related work partners. Commission meetings are scheduled to take place from 9 to 10 September 2024, while a consultation meeting of commission leaders with the South Sumatra Provincial DPRD Budget Agency (Banggar) and the Regional Government Budget Team (TAPD) will be held from 11 to 12 September 2024.
The results of all these discussions will be reported at the follow-up Plenary Meeting scheduled for 13 September 2024. At this meeting, it is hoped that the South Sumatra Provincial DPRD and the South Sumatra Provincial Government can reach a joint decision regarding the 2025 Fiscal Year APBD Draft Regulation. (ojn/ril)