Jakarta, The Indonesia Post – The Ministry of SOEs (BUMN) targets the distribution of bulk cooking oil commodities at a price of Rp. 14,000 per liter to 5,000 locations throughout Indonesia.
“In May 2022, our target is 5,000 location points nationally, which is a synergy between the Ministry of SOEs, the Ministry of Trade and other relevant ministries as well as suppliers of the cooking oil industry in Indonesia,” said Deputy Minister of SOE 1 Pahala N Mansury in a written statement issued on Monday. received in Jakarta, Monday.
Pahala also expressed his hope that ID Food Group would continue to make adjustments to the PPI Food Shop application to ensure the distribution of cooking oil and monitoring the affordability of cooking oil prices of Rp. 14,000 per liter to the consumer or community level which can be accessed online.
Currently, there are 69,000 units of Food Stall Partners PT Indonesia Trading Company or PPI spread across more than 27 cities in Indonesia. This food stall distribution network will continue to be developed by PPI as another strategic step in carrying out government programs, especially cooking oil and in general the availability and affordability of food in the community.
“The pilot project target for the distribution of bulk cooking oil at a price of IDR 14,000/liter will be distributed to 5,000 location points spread throughout Indonesia and is a synergy between BUMN and the Ministry of Trade, related ministries to the private sector,” he said.
The Deputy Minister also added that the distribution of these 5,000 points will be carried out by BUMN Holding Food ID FOOD together with its subsidiary PT Indonesia Trading Company and Rajawali Nusindo.
According to him, food SOEs have the potential to develop the market by cooperating with small entrepreneurs or retailers in distributing cooking oil so that the community’s needs are met. This is also to increase the role of SOEs in maintaining food supply.
“Not only traders or large-scale entrepreneurs, retailers or stalls, even micro and small businesses can become BUMN partners in the distribution of cooking oil,” he said.
Pahala said the distribution of cooking oil to 5,000 locations is targeted to be completed by the end of May 2022, including North Sumatra, West Sumatra, Riau, Bengkulu, Lampung, Banten, West Java, Central Java, East Java, Yogyakarta, Bali, NTB, Kalimantan and Sulawesi. .
In addition, ID FOOD Group is also expected to be able to prepare a special platform application for the development of the Warung Pangan PPI application which it manages to ensure the distribution of cooking oil online and monitoring the affordability of cooking oil prices of Rp. 14 thousand per liter to the consumer or community level.
Meanwhile, PPI President Director Nina Sulistyowati said that PPI carried out the distribution of bulk cooking oil through Warung Pangan partners as the government’s effort to provide cooking oil at affordable prices to the consumer or community level.
“Currently, we continue to make improvements to the Warung Pangan platform to make it more user friendly with customized features. With a target of 5,000 points and continue to grow in parallel and gradually in the distribution of this cooking oil. Our partners continue to be given socialization for the fulfillment of cooking oil at the kiosk, shop or stall online so that it is more controlled and on target,” he said. (ojn/bbs)