Palembang, The Indonesia Post – The Acting Governor of South Sumatra (Sumsel) received an audience with the Chief of the South Sumatra Regional Police (Kapolda), Inspector General Pol. Andi Rian Ryacudu Djajadi, S.I.K, M.Si and his staff in the context of friendship. Taking place in the South Sumatra Governor’s Guest Room, Tuesday (08/10/2024).
It is known that Inspector General Andi Rian Ryacudu Djajadi is the new Kapolda who has officially served as the Chief of the South Sumatra Regional Police (Kapolda Sumsel) since September 20, 2024, replacing the previous South Sumatra Kapolda, namely Commissioner General. Pol. Albertus Rachmad Wibowo, S.I.K., M.I.K.
On this occasion, Elen Setiadi as the Regional Head in South Sumatra congratulated Andi Rian as the South Sumatra Kapolda. He also invited the police and the South Sumatra Provincial Government to continue to work together in carrying out their duties.
“Welcome, Mr. Regional Police Chief, congratulations on carrying out your duties in South Sumatra, hopefully we will always work together in maintaining security and conduciveness in South Sumatra,” said Elen.
Elen also said that during her time in South Sumatra, the synergy and togetherness between the South Sumatra Provincial Government and the South Sumatra Regional Leadership Coordination Forum (Forkopimda) had been very well established.
“Alhamdulillah, so far the South Sumatra Regional Police have been a good partner for us and God willing, this will continue to run together with other Forkopimda,” she said.
On this occasion, Elen also said that this year the intensity of forest, plantation and land fires in South Sumatra did not experience too much difficulty in handling. This is because many parties participated in handling the Karhutla including the South Sumatra Regional Police.
“Alhamdulillah, this year the Karhutlah in South Sumatra is not like last year because the rainy season came earlier, plus the deployment of troops in the field and all parties are united in handling it,” she said.
Finally, Elen invited the ranks of the South Sumatra Regional Police to oversee the conduciveness of the region ahead of the Pilkada.
“In the near future we will hold the Pilkada, hopefully this will run smoothly and conducively,” he said.
Meanwhile, the South Sumatra Regional Police Chief, Inspector General Pol. Andi Rian Ryacudu Djajadi, S.I.K, M.Si in this meeting revealed that he deliberately came to the Governor’s Office to visit and foster friendship.
“Today we deliberately scheduled to foster friendship at the Governor’s office, earlier I also visited the DPRD leadership, Dandrem and God willing after this we will continue the friendship to the South Sumatra KPU and Bawaslu Offices. Alhamdulillah, thank you for being well received as part of the South Sumatra community,” he said.
The South Sumatra Regional Police Chief, Andi Rian emphasized that his party will work to protect the South Sumatra community well and synergize with the Regional Government and the South Sumatra Forkopimda.
“As a new South Sumatran citizen and during the implementation of the task, God willing, we will synergize well in the South Sumatra Provincial Government and the ranks, in essence in the near future I remind the internal ranks according to the president’s direction to maintain conduciveness towards the transition of the new government,” he said. (mhn/ril)