
HD: We Make South Sumatra a Health Tourism

Palembang, The Indonesia Post – The Governor of South Sumatra, H. Herman Deru (HD) attended the inauguration of the Management of the Indonesian Hospital Association (PERSI) and the Management of the Indonesian Hospital Ethics Honorary Council (MAKERSI) for the South Sumatra region for 2022-2025 as well as opening the PERSI and MAKERSI seminars in South Sumatra.

Through his speech, HD invited the newly appointed management to realize his big goal of making South Sumatra a Health Tourism in Indonesia by having good health services.

“Hospital leaders have a big role in health services, especially in South Sumatra. We are grateful that South Sumatra has a strong fence to keep its citizens from trusting the services of regional hospitals,” said HD in his speech.

In addition, HD also requests that Punishment and Rewards must be carried out strictly by MAKERSI so that Health Services, especially in Hospitals, can improve.

“Let’s increase public trust to have more trust in our own hospital services. In addition to friendly service, hospital performance is also very important in increasing that trust. Communication management, frontline expressions must be addressed,” said HD firmly.

Meanwhile, the Chairman of the Central PERSI, dr. Bambang Wibowo, Sp.OG(K), MARS, FISQua, said that the role of PERSI and MAKERSI is very much needed in assisting government programs, especially in the health sector such as stunting and others, he said.

In addition, he also hopes that hospital leaders in South Sumatra can think about attracting the public’s interest in seeking treatment at their own hospital by improving services and improving information communication management. (mhn/ril)


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