
HD Reminds Publics to Stay Healthy and Eat Nutritious Food

Palembang, The Indonesia Post – The Governor of South Sumatra H Herman Deru invites the people of Trikarya Village to apply the South Sumatra Food Independent Movement (GSMP) by planting various types of chili and if possible vegetables.

This was revealed when attending the Akbar recitation in commemoration of the Birthday of the Prophet Muhammad SAW in 1441 H with K.H. Drs Sholihin Hasibuan, M.Pd.I.

HD explained to the community GSMP will change the mindset of the people who are usually consumptive to be productive. According to him, with the GSMP, the community will not feel the impact of regional inflation which can lead to an increase in food prices.

In addition, HD also reminded the public to pay attention to health by consuming nutritious food, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic and cases of acute kidney failure which are currently rife.

“So with GSMP. We can also plant various plants that can be used for kitchen purposes or medicine. Maintain adequate nutrition with vegetables and animal protein,” he said.

Meanwhile, Trikarya Village Community Leader Badrun expressed his gratitude for the arrival of the Governor of South Sumatra H Herman Deru in this activity. On that occasion, he also conveyed some of the aspirations of the community regarding requests for road repairs to Trikarya village and surrounding areas which were damaged. (mhn/ril)


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