Jakarta, The Indonesia Post – Minister of Health (Menkes) RI Budi Gunadi Sadikin said Indonesia continues to reform the health system to improve health services to the community.
“We must focus on promotional and preventive actions, how to ensure our society remains healthy, not curing the sick but making and maintaining healthy people,” said Minister of Health Budi at the 2022 Philanthropy Asia Summit which was followed online in Jakarta, Friday.
Minister of Health Budi said that one of the strategies for reforming the health care system is the transformation of primary health services, which is the key to transforming Indonesia’s health services, namely ensuring that people stay healthy with a focus on promotion and prevention.
The Government of Indonesia is also transforming referral services by improving access and quality of secondary and tertiary services.
In addition, Indonesia seeks to transform its health security system by increasing the resilience of the pharmaceutical and medical device sector, and strengthening domestic production.
Indonesia is also carrying out a transformation of the health financing system to health financing regulations, health human resources and health technology.
The transformation of health technology is realized through the development and use of technology, digitalization, and biotechnology in the health sector.
In realizing a better reform of the Indonesian health system, the Minister of Health said that collaboration and support from all parties, including the private sector and industry, was needed. (mhn/bbs)